SoCal Threads NEW Style Boxes + Gift Sets

SoCal Threads NEW Style Boxes + Gift Sets

Mother's Day Gifts from SoCal Threads Boutique are so good! Welcome, glad you are here. Mother's Day is a week away and during this "new" quarantine time our Moms deserve a little extra love. Moms always juggle many hats, but lately they've added a few more. You are a ROCK STAR! You've Got This! We [...]

Shop Mindy’s Favorite Gifts Under $25-$100+

Shop Mindy’s Favorite Gifts Under $25-$100+

Gift giving is my love language. I love giving gifts! I'm an introvert, so I don't like the attention giving gifts brings. I'd prefer to gift without saying who it is from. I know that just sounds weird! Welcome to my world. Ha! I just want others to be blessed. Below is a list of [...]